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What Should I Expect During a “Free Consultation” With an Apollo Beach Personal Injury Attorney

If you are like most people, you probably don’t get into accidents very often.  Because of this, if you’ve been injured in an accident, you likely won’t know what you should or shouldn’t do.  You may also have many other questions and concerns.  This might cause you to start searching the internet for answers.   The problem with simply searching the internet is that you can never be sure that the information you find is accurate.  Searching the internet can also be very time-consuming.  Fortunately, there is a better way to get the information you need.

Almost all Florida personal injury attorneys offer a “Free Consultation.”  Ideally, this is the time where you would actually sit down with an attorney to learn more about the claim and legal process.  This is also the time where the attorney should answer whatever questions or concerns you may have about your accident, about your injuries, or your claim.

Unfortunately, for many personal injury attorneys, this consultation time has become less about providing information and answering questions, and more about just signing up a new client.  It is important to know that the “Free Consultation” is meant to be a “no strings attached” meeting.  This means that you are not obligated to hire the lawyer just because you met with them.

Should I Prepare For My “Free Consultation” Meeting With a Personal Injury Attorney?

Most people have no idea what to expect when they first sit down and talk to a Florida personal injury attorney.  As such, they let the attorney run the meeting and, when it’s all over, they have signed a retainer agreement and still have many unanswered questions.

It is important to note that the “Free Consultation” is your meeting, as you are the one conducting a search to find the right attorney to handle your case.  So don’t let the attorney dictate how it goes.  To get the most out of your “Free Consultation,” you will want to be prepared.  This means that you should have sufficient information before you even sit down with the attorney, rather than blindly walking into the meeting.  Here are some things you should consider before your “Free Consultation”:

  • Asking for a copy of the attorney’s Retainer Agreement (in Florida it is called the Contingency Fee Agreement);
  • Asking for a copy of any other document the attorney will want you to sign if you were to agree to retain him/her; and
  • Asking for the attorney’s resume, and a list of prior case results

In addition to this information, you should also ask if the attorney has any written information that can be provided that discusses the claim and legal process. If so, this will help answer some of your questions, and it will also assist you in creating additional questions so that you can have a productive and educated meeting with the attorney.  If the attorney does not have any written information, you can visit our website at you will find several Free Reports that will assist you in this process.

Beware of the “Investigator”

Unfortunately, many personal injury attorneys don’t take the “Free Consultation” seriously.  What is even more unfortunate is that many times an attorney doesn’t even bother to show up for your meeting.  Instead, they just send their “investigator.”  Presumably, they think having an investigator is impressive to a potential client.   However, an investigator is unable to answer your questions.   The investigator is sent solely for the purpose of having you sign their Retainer Agreement.

If you call a law firm about your Florida personal injury case and an investigator comes to your door, you will know that the attorney does not have the time to take to meet with you.  You will also know that the attorney likely won’t have the time to meet with you during your case as well.  If this happens, you should continue your search for the right Florida personal injury attorney to handle your case.

Free Information

If you have questions about your Florida accident case, you can download our Free Reports:

which are available on our website, or you can click the link provided.You can also contact us at 813-797-5998.

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