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Back to School! – Tips to Help Keep Your Kids Safe as They Head Back to School this Year

Believe it or not, it’s that time of year already – time for your kids to head back to school.  According to AAA – approximately 13 percent of children typically walk or bike to their classes.  In addition, over the last decade, nearly one in four child pedestrian fatalities occurred between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. This is why it’s so important to be extra vigilant before and after school hours.  Below are some tips to help keep your kids safe this year.

Safety Tips for Drivers

  • Be aware of children walking to or from school or the bus stop
  • Be careful on streets without crossing guards
  • Watch out for children trying to cross the street
  • When backing out of the driveway, watch for children walking or riding their bicycle
  • Be alert as children may dart out into the street without looking
  • SLOW DOWN near buses, intersections, and in designated school zones

Safety Tips for Student Walkers

  • Plan and practice a safe walking route with your child before the start of the school year
  • If you have younger children, make sure they walk in groups or with an adult
  • If your child is under 10 years of age, an adult should always accompany them
  • Talk to your child about what to do if they are approached by a stranger

School Bus Safety Tips

  • Get to the bus stop early
  • Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before approaching it
  • Always cross in front of the bus so the driver can see you
  • Do not stand up to get off the bus until it has completely stopped
  • Once the bus is in motion, stay seated at all times
  • Wear a lap and shoulder belt if the bus has them
  • Only get off the bus at your assigned stop

Safety Tips for Parents

  • Get involved in your child’s school. Talk with the principal about what you can do to increase school safety.
  • Learn the school’s emergency procedures
  • Know all possible routes to and from your child’s school
  • Know and follow school safety and security measures
  • Inform school officials about any health or emotional concerns you may have with your child

By using a few of these simple safety precautions, you can drastically decrease the chance of any incident or injury.

Free Information

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