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Bad News Again for Pedestrians! Florida is One of Five States Accounting for Nearly Half of Pedestr

We have previously written about the data showing that the State of Florida was the #1 deadliest state for pedestrians.  Unfortunately, that trend continues.  According to the Governor’s Highway Safety Association, there were a predicted 6,590 pedestrian deaths in 2019.  Five states accounted for 47 percent of all of these deaths.  Those states were Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia and Texas.  In Florida alone, there were 368 pedestrian deaths from January to June of 2019, which was an increase of 9 deaths from the previous year during that same timeframe. Worse yet, over the last 10 years, daytime pedestrian deaths have increased by 16%, and nighttime pedestrian deaths have increased by 67%.

For those of us who drive regularly around the Tampa Bay area, it’s unfortunately easy to see the reason why these numbers continue to climb at such alarming rates.  Speeding and distracted driving likely lead the way in causing pedestrian accidents.  In addition, alcohol impairment by the driver or pedestrian has been reported as being the cause in nearly half of the traffic crashes that resulted in pedestrian deaths in 2018.  It’s unlikely that this number has declined much, if at all.

How Can I Keep Myself Safe as a Pedestrian?

There are many things that you can do to help keep yourself safe as a pedestrian.  The most obvious of which is to simply pay attention.  While this may seem obvious, it’s often difficult to do with the onslaught of text and email messages many of us receive via our portable technology, which we can’t or won’t leave at home.  While walking, it is important to limit any distractions, especially in areas where there may be traffic.

Additional safety tips include:

  • If a sidewalk is available, walk on the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, walk as close to the left side of the street facing traffic.
  • Always walk facing traffic.
  • Cross all roads at a designated crosswalk or at intersections or street corners.
  • Stop and look both ways before crossing a street. Look left, right, and left again to ensure no traffic is approaching.  Never dart out into a street.
  • Be mindful of, and obey, all traffic signals.
  • Don’t just look for approaching thru traffic, watch out also for any turning traffic.
  • Wear bright clothing.
  • When walking at night, wear reflective clothing or strips, and carry a flashlight.
  • Look out for driveways.
  • If possible, walk with a friend.

If you’ve been injured in a pedestrian accident, call an experienced Riverview personal injury attorney at SouthShore Injury Attorneys to help you recover the compensation you deserve.

Free Information

If you have questions about your Florida accident case, you can download our Free Reports:

which are available at our website, or you can click the link provided.  You can also contact us at 813-797-5998 to talk directly to a Riverview Personal Injury Attorney now.

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